Here at New Leaf Homes, we have decided to compile an overview of procedures that are required to be completed by all staff, sellers and viewers and has been prepared in line with guidelines relating to Covid-19.
1. Maximum 2 members of staff per office: We work from a home office with no external visiting staff and all are working remotely from their homes.
2. Staggered arrival and departure times of staff entering office should they need to come for short periods, or are met at the door.
3. No members of the public in-home/office for the immediate future - we can meet at an open outdoor restaurant maintaining 2 m social distancing. Avoid busy places and no gathering of more than 6 allowed.
4. Offices cleaned and sanitised regularly. All post and parcels are sanitised
5. The front door to remain locked - access only by permission
6. Hands to be washed throughout the day and dried using paper towels which are then disposed of
7. Empty bins regularly tied securely
1. Virtual zoom viewings must be attempted first
2. Viewers must be in the position to proceed
3. 1 or 2 viewers of the same household/family
4. No children in the property
5. One viewing at one property to minimise the risk of exposure
Preparation for viewings:
1. All doors open and windows open for airflow
2. Wash hands with alcohol hand wash or soap and water before and after viewings
3. Vendors to vacate or if no agent is present at the viewing only one seller to let the viewer in providing they have a mask and gloves.
Procedure during viewing -
1. Agent to wear gloves and mask and wash hands before and after viewing
2. Agent unlock property and leave doors open
3. Viewers to wear masks and latex gloves in a bag ready by the door, use sanitizer first as provided.
4. Viewers enter the property on own if there is not enough space to maintain 2m at all times
5. No surfaces to be touched
6. In concluding a viewing, viewers are to remove mask and gloves, place back in the bag and take with them. Spray hands with alcohol spray.
7. Once viewers left, agents shut up the property and wipe external handles
After viewing -
1.The vendor should ensure surfaces are cleaned and towels disposed of or washed as appropriate.
New Properties entering the market/Taking the instructions/photos:
1. Vendor to prepare the house, turn on all lights, move anything out of sight, open all doors
2. Vendor vacates to garden
3. Agent to wear gloves and mask and wash hands before and after the appointment
4. Any questions/follow-ups to be done by email
5. No surfaces to be touched
6. Once finished, dispose of gloves and mask and wash hands
Market appraisals: Where possible this can be done online using Whatsapp video and general market research
1. Agent to wear gloves and mask and wash hands before and after the appointment
2. Agent to complete tour on own if not enough space to maintain 2m 3. Doors to be opened in advance by the vendor
4. Any discussions with the vendor should be with 2m space - ie garden or large room
5. No paperwork/marketing information to be left - all emailed after
6. Dispose of gloves and mask after the appointment